The Secret Causes of Sexual Performance Anxiety

The Secret Causes of Sexual Performance Anxiety

Picture this: suddenly, you’re on stage, and you can’t remember your line—or you’re being called on in class, and you have no idea what the answer is. Everyone has had a nightmare with a similar scenario because it’s scary to have the spotlight and not know what...
How to Make Talking to Your Teen About Sex Painless

How to Make Talking to Your Teen About Sex Painless

Talking to your teen about sex is probably last on the list of most parents’ favorite things to do. Yet, having an ongoing conversation with your children about sex is essential for their continued sex education and to ensure that you help keep them safe, healthy, and...
Toxic Ideas About Dating That Just Need to Go

Toxic Ideas About Dating That Just Need to Go

We all have ideas about how dating and relationships should work. These develop as a combination of byproducts from culture, the way you were raised, and the relationships you saw. However, some of these “rules” that we have internalized can be more limiting than...