Exploring the world of sex toys as a couple can be a thrilling venture that enhances intimacy and pleasure in your relationship. With a history stretching back 28,000 years, the use of sex toys is nothing new under the sun. Yet, despite their long-standing presence in human history, sex toys often face unwarranted stigma and misconceptions, especially among married couples. Let’s debunk these myths and navigate the path to selecting the perfect toy that can add a new dimension to your shared pleasure.


Confronting the Sex Toy Stigma

The stigma surrounding sex toys persists due to outdated perceptions and a lack of candid discussion about sexual wellness. Many fear purchasing a sex toy due to societal taboos, but it’s important to recognize that these delightful gadgets are a perfectly normal and healthy addition to any sexual repertoire. They offer access to pleasure and orgasms that might be difficult to achieve otherwise. Remember, the treasures in your nightstand are there to enhance your experience, not to serve as a source of embarrassment.


Common Misconceptions

One prevalent myth is the concern about becoming dependent on sex toys. In my professional experience as a sex therapist, there is no such dependency. Sex toys cannot replace the intimacy and connection offered by a partner. They’re not like addictive substances that people can’t do without; instead, they serve to enhance the sexual experience. If you’re reaching for your toy frequently, it might be a signal to examine other aspects of your sex life, such as emotional connection or a desire for change.

There’s also the unfounded belief that orgasms achieved with the help of sex toys are less valuable than those achieved “naturally.” On the contrary, toys can be the key to unlocking a world of pleasure that many women may not access through intercourse alone. The integration of a vibrator, for instance, can transform the sexual experience from rarely orgasmic to consistently incredible.


Choosing the Right Toy 

When selecting sex toys for couples, it’s essential to consider personal anatomy and preference. Our sponsor, Iroha, a Japanese sexual wellness brand, offers a variety of elegant pleasure items designed with the user experience in mind. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to enhance your self-care routine, Iroha prioritizes the pleasure our bodies desire as an essential part of self-care.


For those with penises, the Iroha SVR, a rechargeable vibrating ring with 7 vibration modes, can be a game-changer. It’s suitable for both partnered and solo pleasure, waterproof, and made of body-safe silicone.


Lubricant: The Secret to Toy Success

The right lubricant can make all the difference. Water-based lubes are versatile and safe to use with most toys. Be cautious with silicone toys, as silicone-based lubricants can degrade the material. Always pair the right lube with your toys for a seamless experience.


Cleaning Your Toys

Cleaning your sex toys is crucial for safety and longevity. The method will depend on the material: glass and stainless steel can often be boiled or placed in the dishwasher, while silicone toys should be hand-washed. Pay special attention to any grooves or seams where bacteria might hide.


The Joys of Sex Toys for Couples

Incorporating sex toys into your relationship can close the orgasm gap, They can also add a quick spark to a busy life, offering an express route to pleasure when time is of the essence.


Embrace the journey of exploration and pleasure as a couple. Introduce sex toys into your shared experience, and watch as they bring a new level of excitement and connection to your relationship.



Bio: Dr. Nazanin Moali is a clinical psychologist and sex therapist in the Los Angeles area. She works with various individuals to understand and improve their sexuality. Dr. Moali conducts personal consultation sessions in her Torrance and Hermosa Beach offices, or via a secure, online video-counseling platform.  Click here to take the sex quiz for women.